Medora Chevalier

in La Performance 3/14 – 2/15

Medora Chevalier is a lyricist, poet, choreographer and dancer as well as a campaigner for social justice.

In Second Life she has been involved in the creation and performance of the rock operas The Rings and The Change. She formed the dance group the Imaginals, which has performed with live musicians including Jana Kyomoon and junivers Stockholm and with particle shows.

Medora has organised major SL festivals for human rights, women’s rights, peace and earth day. She also writes and performs poetry for festivals and events. To relax Medora enjoys leading sky dancing at concerts given by her favourite musician friends.

This is her first time as a performer with La Performance.

Took part in

Show ‘EMBRACE’ 12/14

  • Insensatez
  • Body
  • Embrace
  • Spirit
  • EuSei